Useful and easy to use, what more could you want
August 11, 2020
Useful and easy to use, what more could you want

Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
Our organization is using KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training to get our users familiar with emails that can try to steal company info, install viruses or phish info from users. We know that firewalls block a lot of these but many get through and we want them to be prepared to deal with it.
- Great video training for users.
- Lots of topics and tips.
- Easy to use system.
- More clarity for end users who login for the first time.
- Easier password resets for users.
- More topics.
- Saving users time going through email.
- Saving us all time fixing problems after a phishing scam.
- Saving money.
Do you think KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training delivers good value for the price?
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Did implementation of KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training go as expected?
Would you buy KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training again?
Much impact has occurred after we got this product. We now have regular new training sessions and users are getting better and better with their email. Having the latest info always helps keep us up to date. Regular tip emails from KnowBe4 make it easy for them to stay fresh as well.
The user management is handled in a very easy to understand way. We simply upload our users and let them sign in and make passwords. A lot of times they come to us when they forget it but we just remind them how to change their passwords. Lots of products make this step harder, but not KnowBe4.
We use metrics from the web GUI to see how we are doing overall as a company. Department managers can see how each of their sections and employees are doing. If someone is failing the tests or clicking test phishing emails they are remediated and eventually get back in line and we can see that all in the portal.
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