Lyris HQ
Overall Satisfaction with Lyris HQ
Email Marketing, it is used company wide. We use this for list management as well as sending out our Newsletters and 3rd Party Eblasts. We are currently sending out over 1.5 Million emails per month, and the mass email capabilities are working great for us. Also, the analytics are a great help to show our clients what is working and what is not providing them the amount of leads that they want.
- Creating segments within your email lists.
- Analytical feedback for your emails, with key data like Opens, Clicks, Delivered, Spam Complaints.
- Maintaining multiple lists, as well as mass uploads or downloads of data.
- I would like the ability to delete more than one segment at a time. It becomes tedious to delete our segments from the previous month, sometimes there are over 100.
- I think there should be a functionality added specifically forgeographical blasts, maybe with a map to more easily determine geographical radius'.
- Easier functionality for A/B testing, rather than creating two distribution groups.
- More defined lists for third party blasts, which turns into more leads for the clients. Which is more money in our pocket.
- Some segmentation pulls do take a long time, thus leading to multiple requests and a time suck for myself.
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