Micromanage your Business with Microstrategy
November 10, 2013

Micromanage your Business with Microstrategy

Toni (Snyder) Neff | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction


  • Proficient data management for a multitude of attributes- this allows for a bank of knowledge for report building and analysis.
  • User friendly making it a relevant partner in my day to day job.
  • Web based function allowing for flexibility and ease of access from varying locations.


  • Restraints on data exports by column and row can be constraining.
  • Some user frustration due to time constraints at different levels of data.
  • At beginning, hard to determine difference in metrics and attributes to aid in report creation.
  • Primary source of data warehouse for all report creation makes this tool invaluable to business.
  • Report creation and save for later use makes this a tool we can go back to again and again.
  • Ability to can reports and edit allow us to analyze business and better serve our internal and external customers.
We have built a significant data warehouse within this system allowing us to serve our business effectively. Continuing to utilize this tool and build on data will only continue to help strengthen our platform for use. I do not know of any other product that would better serve us in this area than MicroStrategy
Be patient when first learning the system as it can be frustrating to pick up and understand the lingo for execution. Give examples of how you would utilize the data warehouse and ask for examples of building reports as well as output. Be sure to ask what technical support would be offered in the honeymoon period while you are getting acclimated to the product.

Product Usage

300 - Business analysts.


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