A good use for the military
Overall Satisfaction with MS SharePoint
SharePoint currently is being used across the entire military base of where I am. The business problems it addresses are organization and clarity. Organization - it keeps everyone that's able to access it up-to-date of on-going and upcoming events, and clarity for its simple and easy to read tabs and links, with super neat ways of showing one's group or individual's idea.
- Forums for business partners and colleagues to interact with one another and share ideas.
- Organization of tasks for co-workers.
- Can show upcoming events and important information.
- Website needs to be able to zoom in when needed as there are countless times where the site is cut off in the bottom and we would need to zoom way out to see it.
- The added functionality to accept events.
- The ability to have a check list for when someone in a group finishes reading important information, rather than tracking them down.
- No need to print flyers or post emails to people
- Increased efficiency of time
- Manpower efficiency
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