User-friendly Software
Overall Satisfaction with VixWin Platinum
VixWin Platinum is a software that allows you to view and take dental radiographs/x-rays. I have used VixWin Platinum through several different dental scheduling programs such as Softdent, EagleSoft, Dentrix, etc. It is quite easy to use, easy to navigate, straightforward when it comes to mounting x-rays, adjusting the sharpness/contrast etc., and exporting and importing dental images and x-rays from other offices (e.g., if we important a pano from the oral surgeon or if we send a periapical x-ray to the periodontist, we can save it to desktop or email it straight through the program). It allows for each patient's x-rays to be saved all in their chart via cloud-based storage.
- Easy to use--pretty straightforward, especially when rotating x-rays, sharpening an image, and choosing between different mounts.
- You can set up the mounts how you like it (e.g., if you take a lot of bitewings, you can set up an easy-access "four bitewing" mount).
- Easy to import and export images when needed.
- There needs to be an easy way to "move" x-rays from one patient's chart to another. For example, it happens when you take x-rays under the wrong chart and need to move them. Sometimes in the process of moving them, they get lost.
- Easy to take x-rays; easy to see if I need to retake/move image
- It is nice that you can bring image up larger for the patient to view--great for patient education
- Disappointing when you can't find an x-ray you just took; it may disappear
- CS SoftDent Software, Philips Vue PACS (Carestream) and EagleSoft
VixWin Platinum is basic but I still find it better than EagleSoft's dental x-ray system. VixWin Platinum has more options to edit and play with the contrast then EagleSoft's x-rays. I also feels as though the quality of x-rays is much better in VixWin Platinum than in EagleSoft (I get a lot of overexposed images in EagleSoft, even after adjusting the exposure).
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