Calendar that helps you to work smartly and organise your day efficiently.
June 13, 2022
Calendar that helps you to work smartly and organise your day efficiently.

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Zoho Calendar
Zoho Calendar is a very important platform post covid in our day-to-day work schedule. Pre covid we never used calendars so frequently, however, post covid this has become a very important tool. This helps you in organizing your day and it keeps you updated on every meeting. previously we use to depend a lot on making notes and this has completely replaced and no need to keep any reminders.
- Helps you to create meeting requests online and auto POP up before the scheduled call or meeting.
- Sharinging calendar with the team.
- Bring all calendars to one platform.
- Modify the time and alter it whenever needed.
- I think the mobile version lags and can be improved compared to the desktop version.
- What about using different colors for different meetings in a day.
- Sharing calendar with the team.
- Within seconds you can create meeting requests and it auto captures the email id. need not retype email id again.
- You can use Zoho Calendar to create group calendars that are accessible to your colleagues or you can even share an existing calendar with the users of your choice.
- Convenient scheduling and theme options.
- Efficient and time saving and within minutes we can create events and meetings.
- No paperwork and time saving which results in saving money and overhead cost spent on this.
- No booking of any rooms of places we can now do visual meetings.
Zoho calendar allows us to schedule, manage and track your appointment, meetings, birthdays, and other important dates. And also collaborate, share and publish your daily activities. Zoho Calendar also provides you to make it more creative by changing the themes. Event reminders are also available on Zoho Calendar, so we can be reminded either via email or through a pop-up about appointments, dates, milestones, and events. Reminders can pop up as early as 30 days before an event.
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