

GimeTalk provides live chat for your business website. Live chat is now an essential communications channel to engage with your prospects and customers. GimeTalk offers you the latest web technologies to provide your own live chat. The business is run by Gordon Wilson with 20 years experience in software development and marketing with companies like McAfee, Citrix and Cisco. "I understand smaller businesses and how practical, easy to use and affordable software can greatly assist productivity and help you get more done with less." GimeTalk's live chat program puts a live chat button on your web pages letting site visitors call with questions. Alternatively, watch people move around your site in real time and choose when to call them. It is a simple copy and paste exercise to put a code snippet on your web pages and set up can take only 5 minutes! The buttons can be customised to fit the design of your site. There is also useful analytics on site visitors - see their page journeys and previous visits. What makes this application great for the smaller business is the flexibility it affords. Just sign in to GimeTalk and your live chat buttons are active and ready to receive calls. Invite any number of colleagues to support web visitors. The app is mobile friendly and when no one is available to support the live chat there is a leave message form as fallback. It is even possible to use the latest WebRTC technology to conduct video live chat! Take the 14 day free trial.
