Perfecto by Perforce offers mobile app functional and performance testing, and automation testing. Perfecto was acquired by Perforce in October 2018. The Perfecto product line, now supported by Perforce, includes Perfecto Mobile, and Perfecto Web.
Appium is a wrapper of selenium and is available for mobile based applications. It has also the similar features as selenium has for website automation. Together both provide a combined solution for automating web and mobile apps. Can provide end to end automation with a …
1. It's open source which supports range of languages, operating systems and languages. Well suited for Android and IOS mobile automation. Supports all kinds of apps, which makes it flexible and robust mobile testing tool 2. It is less appropriate where we need intercept network call to verify the API calls. Extensive coding experience is required to work Appium
Same test case scripts can be executed on different mobiles irrespective of operating systems and language it supports. This covers a wide range of devices (Android, iOS, Blackberry etc) on which automated testing can be performed in very less time. The test scripts are written written using keyword-based Script Once Technology. The creation of scripts are easy. It saves time and effort. Repetitive testing on each iteration would be now be less tedious. This would also allow QA to focus on quality. It would expand test case coverage in the application and finally release reliable/robust application. In all, improving the app quality.
If you're an Apple developer, you use Xcode. It's practically a forced necessity. For system testing though, it doesn't have to be. You can have your development team focus on unit and integration tests in their platform and another team automate acceptance tests with a language they are more familiar with.
Perfecto has a wide array of mobile devices we can chose from. Automation is easier using OCR technology. The test script generated detailed report of the executed test script at the end with vast variety of information such as actual results, screen captures in digital format, continuous video recording of the entire script and graphs showing statistics about the execution