Likelihood to Recommend Think about your needs as an organization and whether you will be using primarily audio only or audio plus web. If audio only then ReadyTalk will certainly meet your need. If web, then shop around for functionality, support, and price. I am fairly "neutral" on ReadyTalk - neither a huge cheerleader nor a huge detractor.
Read full review If you cannot use another more common solution on the market or are looking for an alternative to the known solutions, it is a great alternative. If you have other tools already, and just want to test [them], that's fine, but I think the better-known ones have a better chance of using, knowing, and the learning curve will be shorter.
Read full review Pros Screen share/conference calling: They make it quick and easy to join a meeting for your guests. They don't need to download anything; all they need to do is click on the link and enter the access code. Mobile App: The app has been great for our team as they can now easily start a meeting with a click of a button from the app. Recordings: It is very easy to record a webinar or conference call which you can then download. Read full review Easy to use: The app is very, very easy to use. Literally just create a chat room (input a name) and access it to chat. Call/video quality: I've experienced better call quality on than in almost all other chat and video conferencing services out there. Read full review Cons If ReadyTalk provided an easier way to set up the initial call through a different platform aside from email, it may make things a bit simpler. ReadyTalk's monitor-specific screensharing process is a bit clunky and could be a bit better in identifying which monitor has been selected for sharing. ReadyTalk's admin dashboard could use a UI update. Read full review The paid version may have dial-in. But I have always used the free version. Dial-in is typically required for an "official" multi-purpose teleconference platform. I did have some trouble with larger groups (5+) when it was but almost always use it for small 1-on-1 or 3 person meetings. Read full review Likelihood to Renew We are using a larger tool suite that already includes video conferencing instead of our older approach of using different apps from different vendors. has a simple but great set of features but its pricing scheme is not as scalable as we really need in a 500+ employee company.
Read full review Usability ReadyTalk is easy to use, but I did find the initial integration to Outlook a bit cumbersome. I couldn't tell you how to do it now - someone else had to walk me through it when I started at the company. We also have a lot of issues with people trying to use their computers for audio; often, it stops working entirely mid-meeting
Read full review Very easy to use, technical and non-technical colleagues have used it with no instructions needed. That says all about the app and services.
Read full review Support Rating They have been responsive to support-related issues.
Read full review Never had to contact support, so we cannot give a rating for their overall support. When we noticed the audio was not always great quality, we simply educated our users to mute the mic and use the in-room conference phone which is connected via a dedicated VOIP link and had much better voice quality. The video performance varied by locations network speed and found it got much worse when the room size increased to over 4 connections.
Read full review Implementation Rating After a recommendation from a partner, as the system is very easy to use, we simply start. Read full review Alternatives Considered Other regions in our organization have implemented WebEx. We have experienced poor audio and lack of customer service in our region. For quick interoffice communication and screen share, we use
Skype for Business . Many people who have had the choice between WebEx and ReadyTalk will, more times than not, request a ReadyTalk account to be created. They feel the interface is much simpler to adapt. WebEx is not super friendly, especially on the backend of the tool.
Read full review I find Zoom more complicated to use and harder to use because a lot of people do not like having to download things to their computers or devices and Whereby is so easy to get connected with . I like that Zoom offers larger rooms, but at this point the cost is not worth the extra expense.
Read full review Return on Investment Positive impact. Able to fluidly demonstrate our software over conference call at the drop of a dime Positively impacts clients onboarding process due to ability to screen share with a high amount of people at the same time Higher ROI due to ability to show clients our new platform before their purchase in order to show the value of our product in real time via Readytalk conference Read full review In general, any sort of online collaborations saves a lot on your budget. The meetings are rather more on time and can be efficient and short. Easy to drop-by and have a small talk with clients/teammates within COVID era. The URL makes you look fancy instead of a random hash. Read full review ScreenShots