Likelihood to Recommend Scylla is well suited for high-throughput scenarios where keyed data must be read or written with consistently low latency. It's less appropriate for use cases requiring relational queries, secondary indexes, or more structured data sets.
Read full review SingleStore HTAP engine is well suited for real-time analytics, fast ingestion, scaling OLTP system like
MySQL . When you need to run reports or perform aggregates on billions of rows and you get result in seconds, you cannot get this experience with other OLTP engines. I wish DBtLab was a little more developer and supported for SingleStore. This would allow to perform better data transformation. You can use stored procedures, but DBTLabs has become a standard for dimensional modeling in data warehousing projects. This is probably why SingleStore has trouble piercing in the data warehouse world. It is definately capable to compete with
Snowflake when it comes to scalability, query performance, data compression, but
Snowflake has ravaged the data warehouse market in few years and large corporations have already invested lots of money in migrating into
Snowflake . The SingleStore community needs to grow. Everyone who uses SingleStore loves it.
Read full review Pros Low-latency reads CQL has a familiar syntax Parity with Cassandra Practical features Read full review Technical support is stellar -- far above and beyond anything I've experienced with any other company. When we compared SingleStore to other databases two years ago, we found SingleStore performance to be far superior. Pipeline data ingestion is exceptionally fast. The ability to combine transactional and analytical workloads without compromising performance is very impressive. Read full review Cons Better documentation for best practices (e.g., how to effectively use connection pooling) Read full review We wish the product had better support for High Availability of the aggregator. Currently the indexes generated by the two different aggregators are not in the same sequential space and so our apps have more burden to deal with HA. More tools for debugging issues such as high memory usage would be good. The price was the one that kept us away from purchasing for the first few years. Now we are able to afford due to a promotion that gives it at 25% of the list price. Not sure if we'll continue after the promotion offer expires in another 2 years. Read full review Likelihood to Renew We haven't seen a faster relation database. Period. Which is why we are super happy customers and will for sure renew our license.
Read full review Usability Very easy-to-understand syntax--uses CQL (same as
Cassandra ), which has many similarities to standard SQL. There are some gotchas, however, that must be known during schema development.
Read full review [Until it is] supported on AWS ECS containers, I will reserve a higher rating for SingleStore. Right now it works well on EC2 and serves our current purpose, [but] would look forward to seeing SingleStore respond to our urge of feature in a shorter time period with high quality and security.
Read full review Reliability and Availability We have not experienced any downtime in the two years that we have been using SingleStore.
Read full review Performance SingleStore's performance is incredible. Our predictive algorithms went from taking 24-48 HOURS down to 15 minutes allowing our team to run those much more frequently. Previously, we were limited to about 60 requests per minute due to table locks. Implementing columnstore on SingleStore allowed us to receive 1000 requests per minute.
Read full review Support Rating The Scylla cloud support team is incredibly responsive and proactive.
Read full review Very responsive to trouble tickets - Often, I think, the SingleStore's monitoring systems have already alerted the engineers by the time I get around to writing a ticket (about 10 - 20 mins after we see a problem). I feel like things are escalated nicely and SingleStore takes resolving trouble tickets seriously. Also SingleStore follows up after incidents to with a post mortem and actionable takaways to improve the product. Very satisfied here.
Read full review Implementation Rating We allowed 2-3 months for a thorough evaluation. We saw pretty quickly that we were likely to pick SingleStore, so we ported some of our stored procedures to SingleStore in order to take a deeper look. Two SingleStore people worked closely with us to ensure that we did not have any blocking problems. It all went remarkably smoothly.
Read full review Alternatives Considered Scylla has a quick learning curve (same as
Cassandra ) compared to other proprietary solutions like
BigTable . It supports higher throughput and lower latency that other NoSQL databases like
MongoDB , which sacrifice those features for more flexibility and unique features.
Read full review Timescale was the biggest alternative option we looked at for SingleStore, however the requirement to learn a new syntax (due to not being SQL compatible) was our biggest pain point. Supporting a new language would require alterations to the Laravel framework, as this only offered SQL integration out of the box. This alteration would be time consuming and would limit our scope to future hiring due to the new syntax.
Read full review Scalability We needed more memory on our cluster. SingleStore handled it very smoothly.
Read full review Return on Investment Addresses latency requirements of our platform Read full review As the overall performance and functionality were expanded, we are able to deliver our data much faster than before, which increases the demand for data. Metadata is available in the platform by default, like metadata on the pipelines. Also, the information schema has lots of metadata, making it easy to load our assets to the data catalog. Read full review ScreenShots