I Use Basecamp to keep track of team feedback when designing products, and I like it.
Updated March 18, 2015

I Use Basecamp to keep track of team feedback when designing products, and I like it.

Patrick Barrett | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Basecamp

On our team we use Basecamp when designing new products or features. Designers will post comps and the team will provide feedback. Not a very taxing process, but Basecamp handles it well. All interested parties are internal so everyone sees the whole conversation. I'm only every really in the Projects view.


  • Provide a central location to provide feedback
  • Notify team members of updates to a project
  • Add new team members
  • Add new comps


  • I have none. For my simple use case it is more than enough
  • Having a central location keeping track of decisions that are made allow you to not to have to revisit decisions over and over again because people have fuzzy memories.
  • gmail,conversations with people
The alternatives I'd compare Basecamp to is not having project management software and just relying on email or verbal communication. It's much better than that. I wouldn't even consider other project management software because they all have way too much bloat for what I need to do.
If you are managing simple projects where you need to share assets and gather feedback you should give Basecamp serious consideration. The team behind it have a maniacal focus on simplicity and not bloating their product with features, the result is software that is very easy to use.

Using Basecamp

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Using Basecamp


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