So Far, So Good!
November 18, 2019

So Far, So Good!

Stella Limuel | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Blackbaud Education Management Solutions (formerly Blackbaud K–12 ON Solutions)

It is being used across the whole organization. Advancement Department and Executives use it to check students information (current, incoming or alumni) and to send out parent communications. Business office uses it for enrollment process and payment, and also extracurricular enrollment and payment. Admission uses it for enrollment management. Teachers use it to post grades and keep progress. Human Resources department uploads all employees to it.


  • Easily keep information up-to-date
  • Easily contact families
  • Easily accessible and user-friendly


  • Integration with Blackbaud's other programs
  • Alumni relations
  • Customization for schools with non-standard grades/levels
  • Eliminates the need of many paper forms.
  • Eliminates the process of having fresh data updated in the system.
So far I have not run into problems with contacting support but have heard that sometimes support is hard to reach or does not give you a helpful solution. Although, to be fair, I have not really asked advanced questions. I feel we need more time with implementation support and it made us felt very nervous about having everything implemented correctly.
It's easy for us to send out contracts, communications, and to have a parent directory now. Our business office is especially pleased since they can request payment through it, although they did say they don't like how they can only have one payment method. We have eliminated most paper enrollment forms thanks to the ability to create a digital form on BB EMS. We're still trying to implement integration between RE and BB EMS.


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