Fan Engagement Wizardry
January 10, 2014

Fan Engagement Wizardry

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Buddy Media (legacy)

Overall Satisfaction with Buddy Media


  • Buddy Media has a very intuitive user interface, which made it easy to both use and teach others to use.
  • The analytics were really helpful, especially when deciding which campaigns to try again and which to shelve.
  • The ability to customize the look and feel were key to our work with Buddy Media.


  • At the time that I was using it, there was a flaw in the system that allowed scripts to enter contests 1000s of times for users, which threw off the results.
  • The increase in fan engagement because of Buddy Media was great.
If you have the budget and time to let Buddy Media create campaigns and pages for you, they are great. Otherwise you need to have someone with a working HTML and CSS knowledge to get things customized correctly.

Using Buddy Media

There were some communication issues, but otherwise Buddy Media was great.We were able to increase our fan engagement by quite a high margin, and the user interface meant that even those employees without coding skills could use the platform.


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