Deputy has been a time saver
October 29, 2021
Deputy has been a time saver

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Deputy
It is being used by our hourly employees to view their schedule, submit vacation requests or leave, and clock in and out. It has helped me be able to track their timesheets as a manager and much easier to view the weekly schedule from anywhere I am at. It is very easy to edit their time sheets as well. The only problem I have had is it is difficult to track vacation hours through this and sometimes not accurate.
- Viewing schedules.
- Submitting timesheets.
- Separating departments.
- Vacation hours balances.
- Better viewing of leave requests.
- Better view of when someone is on leave.
- Time saved.
- Improved payroll accuracy.
- Easier to clock in and out on cell phones for employees.
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