IBM SPSS - Easy To Learn Without All of the Hassle of Learning R or Python Code!
Updated January 29, 2020

IBM SPSS - Easy To Learn Without All of the Hassle of Learning R or Python Code!

Craig West | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • IBM SPSS Statistics

Overall Satisfaction with IBM SPSS

We use SPSS in our research (couples program) and in a better understanding of our program development (MCAT). We provide mental competency to stand trial training and it is imperative that we monitor and track each person's progress to ensure that the program is working in increasing competency of the people enrolled in the program. We use the SPSS program to better understand our hiring procedures as well as marketing practices.


  • SPSS has a very nice interface and keeps their interface consistent, even after 20 years of use.
  • Analyzing data is very quick and easy there is no programming required.
  • Some coding and saving codes for further analysis saves time.


  • SPSS is not free and is fairly pricey.
  • For those requiring advanced procedures not on SPSS, programmable coding, like in R Statistics, may be more limited and not as robust and use of R or other programs might be needed.
  • Statistical Package for Social Sciences and can only be used to perform only statistical operations. Further purchases of other packages will be required.
  • Default graphics are far from publication quality. Generally, it’s better to use other programs for graphics.
  • Information about effect size and confidence intervals is missing for many techniques.
We use SPSS to analyze over 800 variables in our mental competency program. The ability to easily copy and paste the data into SPSS is a timesaver. It allows us to quickly understand the data and to share the information with other professionals and agencies were inquiring about our services. So, not only has SPSS saved us time but having easy access to the data we need allows us to better market to the consumers who use our program. It is easy enough to learn and allow other non-statisticians to assist in inputting the data. It allows us to make more definitive marketing statements as to the effectiveness of our program as we have very specific data to demonstrate the success of the mental competency training program.
Many programs do not have the research to back their findings and success. This ability to and efficiently and effectively analyze the data gives our company the edge that is needed. It further assists our company in our hiring process so that we can better determine rates across different regions. It allows us to better evaluate our company growth and make determinations as to the health of our business.
As indicated, there are a few other less expensive options such as R Statistics and Python but requires some programming and is a steep learning curve. SPSS, although expensive, will have you entering in data sets and analyzing your data quicker. For those who do not require more advanced analytics and have the financial resources, then SPSS would be a good fit.
SPSS is most suited for most researchers, although for power size and other uses will require further purchases or use of other programs to account for the limitations that SPSS might have. It can handle heavy data and there should not be any limitations for multiple variables. It may not be suited for those looking for a more robust and programmable option. Also, for those on a budget, other sources like R-Statistics might be better suited.


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