Design with InVision Freehand
June 02, 2022

Design with InVision Freehand

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Freehand Pro

Overall Satisfaction with InVision Freehand

We use our InVision Freehand board for several things. We use it on the whiteboard and collaborate with the product team to continue to innovate our product offering. We also use to present and share prototypes, at all stages, with stakeholders to get their input and feedback. It's a great alternative method to share designs and get feedback in real-time.


  • Promotes Collaboration
  • Easy to use
  • Great way to present different types of items


  • The formatting is a bit clunky and not intuitive
  • The typography is restrictive
  • Items could be a bit more automated
  • Sketch Intergration
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Prototype Tools
  • Design advocacy
  • Clarity and transparency
  • Promotes collaboration
I didn't make the decision to purchase InVision Freehand vs Miro. If given the choice I would have chosen Miro. Miro has features that are more intuitive and automated. The product is just easier to use. InVision Freehand gets the job done and what makes it stand apart is its integration with other products like Sketch.

Do you think Freehand by InVision delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Freehand by InVision's feature set?


Did Freehand by InVision live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Freehand by InVision go as expected?


Would you buy Freehand by InVision again?


As a design org, we use it quite frequently for every step of our design process. It's a great way to explore a design idea and collaborate with other groups to get their feedback in real time. It's super convenient that it's tied to Sketch. This allows us to share our prototypes along each step of the process. There are several ways the app could improve in terms of styling but it gets the job done.


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