I love my ATS
Overall Satisfaction with Jobvite
It is currently used in our Clinical Recruitment Department as an ATS. I love how easy it is to use and the archive it creates of candidates. You encounter a lot of repetitive candidates in our field so having that historical contact information is critical as well as previous email and notes from previous interactions.
- Workflow- I love that you can immediately see where in the process a candidate is.
- Dashboard- The customization and overall feel of the site.
- Feed- The fact that you can see the feed from the candidates other applications is a plus.
- Primarily the analytics they have worked on this recently but it does take some deep diving to really understand how to put it to use.
- Knowledge Base- Easier search criteria.
- Back Button- For some reason my browser does not like when I want to go back, a lot of time I just start over.
- Positive, it has really streamlined our recruiting process.
- It has opened up so many avenues for social postings.
- Text Recruit was a game changer.
Canvas, the text recruit function was purchased and integrated into Jobvite and makes communication a breeze. I love that I can chat on my computer or my phone and when I am on a candidates profile can simply click on the extension to see where things left off. I have also used the Canvas features for hosting registration for events with their bot feature that allows them to text their replies and or responses.
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