MATLAB is an excellent automation software.
April 02, 2018

MATLAB is an excellent automation software.

Manuel Aguilar | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with MATLAB

Matlab is used in my organization in the engineering departments for handling several types of problems and for automation of processes. The geophysics department uses it for creating methods for gravimetric data processing and residual gravimetric data separation from regional data. Also, we have used it to correctly process electrical data acquired for water exploration in the subsurface. In the seismic exploration area, we have created seismic acquisition simulations.


  • MATLAB has a lot of automation tools so extracting data from a database such as Excel and processing it can be done just by hitting one button.
  • MATLAB is excellent at handling data from diverse sources. It can work with images, sounds, sensors, so in the engineering world this is a great tool.
  • The workspace is really interactive and its editor features have useful tools such as autocompletion (which is key when coding fast) and bug reporting so you know exactly where you messed up in your code.


  • It is really expensive, and lots of the tools you need in order to read some type of files need to be paid for.
  • Running programs created using MATLAB can be challenging in some scenarios, since is not a commonly used software with some of our clients who prefer their programs to run in Excel via macros.
  • It's a closed source program so getting to know how it computes is really hard.
  • Keeping in mind that MATLAB is really expensive and that some of its features come as extras, free languages such as Python can bring more revenue to a company.
  • As a learning tool is a great beginning for someone without lots of programming experience, and in the case of my university it had a great impact business wise since the programs created by students were usually sold to companies.
Matlab is really suited for working as an automation tool in several engineering scenarios. For instance, in gravimetric analysis it surpasses most commercial softwares since one can program all the mathematic functions needed for data processing and customize all the reports needed in the project. Also, Simulink as a tool for running simulation workflows is extremely powerful and easy to use with MATLAB.


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