MindManager - the center of my digital life
August 13, 2019

MindManager - the center of my digital life

John Griffith | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with MindManager

MindManager is the go-to application for at the beginning of "everything". Catching ideas, creating and managing ToDo list(s), planning projects, outlining articles, writing projects, and other business and personal activities. In short I "live" on MM.

I integrated my MindManager tasks with Google Calendar, MS One Note, and Excel.
  • Strategic Planning
  • Brainstorming
  • Process Mapping
  • Education & Training
  • Enterprise Collaboration
  • Knowledge Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Task and Project Management
  • Project Planning


  • I am lazy (and ADD) - I don't like to re-enter tasks, concepts or plans. By using MM I am able to capture my ideas and plans on the fly - and then return at a later date to refine, focus and organize my thoughts into a more coherent logical "item"... all without being forced to retype any of my original thoughts unless I care to.
  • I use the sort and filter features extensively to 1) Set importance (Must do, important to do, should do, etc) and 2) When (Today, soon, this week, this month). I also use the color coding of items to draw my attention. I also set key project names/categories for each item (no more than 7).
  • The sort and filter then let me quickly identify the items that I must focus on "now" - a "shortlist".
  • In my consulting days, and now with the several non-profit boards that I work with, I use a modified "PowerPoint" version of MM to get my ideas across and to "brainstorm" with my audience (action items, strategies, priorities).
  • For my literary non-fiction writing, I use MM to cast "islands" (random brainstorming), and no less than 3 days later to coalesce these "islands" into "continents", and then to drag the continents into the "proper" order. For my freelance newspaper work, the process is similar - but the organization changes to identifying and featuring the lede.


  • My current "ToDo" file is about 3 MB. I would like to be able to trust that when I send a large "chunk" of work to a linked map that I will not lose that link with LOTS of notification. The loss of the link is my problem (constantly moving large blocks) - but for whatever reason, I'm not being warned enough that I am breaking the link and therefore potentially losing the connection of the thoughts.
  • Nested filtering - that is filtering and fine-tuning and already filtered list does not always work for me. Sometimes it filters only the filtered items, other times, it filters and presents the entire list. With the size of my file- this is a bit of a pain.
  • It would be great to be able to "catch" thoughts, issues, to-do's and brainstorms on the fly - e.g. on my smartphone. I have tried a number of the MM smartphone apps to complete disappointment.
  • MM is perfect for catching random and not so random thoughts on the fly - and then refining them later. It is also very useful for cross-referencing ideas and issues between multiple areas of interest.
  • MM saves a great deal of time and worries when it can be relied on for catching and retrieving thoughts and tasks on the fly.
  • MM is a significant contributor to making more reasonable and logical arguments.
I have used MM extensively for dynamic generation of project plans, strategic plans and all the way down to simple "ToDo" lists - all on the fly.

MM has improved the quality of the end product of these activities - and it has greatly reduced my stress by reliably catching these thoughts and issues and queueing them in a readily accessible location and format. RE: My earlier comment for the need for a well-functioning Android smartphone ap.
MM thinks as I think. We share the same logic. I am also very deeply proficient on MM - which makes the thought of switching to another approach less than appealing.

I thought Google might be the answer because I am "full Google" on just about everything else that I do for both work, writing, and pleasure... but they have yet to come even close to MM in overall functionality.
  • MM is superb for brainstorming - individually or with a group.
  • MM is superb for quickly focusing a group down the key elements of a discussion, plan or strategy.
  • I have found MM less useful in making Presentation material for said groups.
  • With each new MM version, the features and options get more refined and useful in the above-mentioned areas.

The notification/alarm function was pitiful and more recently has been vastly improved. It is still not "Google Calendar" replacement material, which I would like it to be.


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