Design for the whole person and you will please #HumanCentreDesign
March 24, 2015
Design for the whole person and you will please #HumanCentreDesign
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Latest/ most recent version
Modules Used
- Payroll
- CoreHR
- Recrutiment(old version)
- Learning Management (Infor)
- Performance
- Succession
- Employee and Manager Self Service
- Business Engine in use
- Platform Config in use
Overall Satisfaction with UltiPro
The entire organization is using the solution. It is being used both from an operational perspective (payroll, org management) to self service (managers and employees) and now to more strategic talent planning and mobilization. Currently the main problems the solution is addressing is the real time access of talent date at the foundational level - salary, org data, job data and basic talent metrics. We are now slowly using it for more strategic talent management, growing the depth of functionality within the Succession module and slowly providing access to our senior leaders.
- Ultipro has been designed with a human centric approach. Easy to use, navigate and seamless to its end users.
- Self Service is readily available for almost all transactions for managers and employees to leverage. Empowers our staff to be more in control of their employee records.
- They are starting to master the more strategic areas of the system. Talent management in the form of the Career Development module, succession and the metrics to support this have really come a long way. Our organization is now using the Candidate Nomination process within the Succession module to allow more advocacy of talent by the management team directly. Usually this was always a conversation or data that had to be tracked by HR. Now this can be done via self service via the manager directly.
- Ultimate is definitely committed to R&D and we can see this in the release notes and the new features that are rolled out on a biannual basis.
- The full time employee (FTE) management and salary budgeting process that is key in our relationship with finance is a critical piece of functionality that is missing. I think if they master this, they will make their financial peers one happy client group of HR.
- Workflows and the configuration within them needs to be more flexible. Often fields or mandatory defaults are not applicable to all organizations. They have come along way with the Business Rule Engine and Platform configuration. This area of the system should be given the most priority as it will really support awesome data integrity and business processes - streamlining admin work and processing.
This solution sets itself apart simply because of their mandate to design around the "person". Human Centre Design is evident with this product. I have worked with other solutions and they definitely respond to user feedback and ideas. This in my mind demonstrates their commitment to get it right for the business. This experience has been dramatically different from the other larger vendors out there who often make you feel like a little fish in a big pond.
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