Webex App has my vote! TAC? Not so much...
January 21, 2022

Webex App has my vote! TAC? Not so much...

Jose Velasquez | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Webex App

Webex App is the main form of communication companywide besides Outlook. Currently we are supporting over 43,000 Active users account on the platform (Webex Messaging, Webex Meeting and Calling in Webex through Call Manager). The product itself works as intended, with immense capabilities in collaboration during the pandemic, however we need to optimize out infrastructure to gain ll its benefits.


  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Design


  • Support
  • Monthly upgrade bugs
  • Ease of access to bug information
  • Webex App brought back a sense of community we lacked post pandemic
  • Webex App has hindered supervisors ability to see agent status due to the recent feature rollout of availability
  • Webex's integration of Slido allows out trainers to engage with new hires more easily
Before Webex App, we have Microsoft Teams. To this day there is a subset of the community that misses the integration of the Microsoft Team. For myself, I did also feel this way as CISCO Webex Teams had not yet been fully integrated in to our environment. The addition of the Cisco boards and directory connector superseded my desire to go back to MS Teams.
As my company SME, I am asked to do the same wash and repeat steps of collecting logs, running tracer logs, and sending problem reports. Time and time again, we are met with little to no help as we scramble to figure things out on our end. to date, the majority if our TAC cases offered very miserable support. We tend to hold out until the last second to open a ticket, only after we have exhausted all open only to not have to deal with TAC.

Do you think Webex App delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Webex App's feature set?


Did Webex App live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Webex App go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Webex App again?


I work with Webex App all day and it seems second nature at this point. With the help of the customer success manager and his accounts team, we are fully equipped to be proficient in the product. We have stood up an internal Sharepoint page and held multiple knowledge transfer sessions with the company's internal departments.
Webex App is well suited for remote collaboration in a large enterprise. Various departments host larger meetings to a diverse audience which Webex App makes easy but allows customization of event and registration forms. Webex App has had some buggy rollout that has hurt the brand in our environment, the ability to push out upgrades is great but not recommended. This leads to confusion and frustration when you want to protect your environment from bugs, but do not feel empowered to postpone updates.

Webex App Feature Ratings

Task Management
Mobile Access
Internal knowledgebase
Integrates with Outlook
Video files
Audio files
Document collaboration
Access control
Advanced security features


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