Zoho Reports - The single source for all reporting needs
Overall Satisfaction with Zoho Reports
Currently we make use of ZOHO reports to assist us in managing our help desk environment. These reports help us to identify problems and trends on an ongoing basis. We also make use of our ZOHO reports to present all our help desk statistics monthly to the board and to ensure that we a distributing work load correctly across all of our resources,
- Out of the box reports allow for easy set up with very little knowledge required to get the information you need.
- Dashboards are a very quick way of obtaining information on the fly and provide a very extensive amount of information.
- The ability to drill down in reports is also really useful when trying to expand on information that is displayed by default.
- Being able to schedule reports for automatic delivery to email recipients at specific times and having the ability to share reports via a web link makes life a breeze as once it is all set up, it goes out as and when you want them to.
- Defining custom views and reports are not always that straight forward and can take some time and numerous changes before they return the data in the format you want.
- Being given the ability to customise the layout of the reporting portal would also be nice. Haven't found a way of doing that yet.
- Sometimes when trying to create a new report, the entire portal freezes up after selecting the report type and you have to go out of the portal and then sign back in again before everything starts working.
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