

DevCycle is a Feature Management Platform designed for developers who strive to or use continuous delivery and deployment that need to implement feature flags and manage their workflow more effectively.

Unlike traditional feature flagging tools that create unnecessary complexities, bottlenecks, and tech-debt, DevCycle's developer-centric approach matches how development teams build software by consolidating flags across environments and features. This enables the entire team to own and control flags for the features they are currently working on without leaving their workflow through our easy-to-use APIs. We offer multiple environments to match your deployment workflow, and our code cleanup tools track usage and automatically clean up feature flags, helping you avoid tech debt.

Our usage-based pricing model makes DevCycle's adoption scalable and affordable for organizations of all sizes. Instead of charging per user, all developers and team members can have visibility and access to feature flags without incurring additional costs. This allows development teams to focus on building great software without worrying about the complexities and costs of feature management.
