translates, compares, and recommends the best translations. Developed by Tomedes, it is an advanced online translation tool that integrates multiple machine translation engines to offer real-time translation services. This AI-powered platform not only delivers instant translations but also provides comparative analyses, quality scores, and recommendations for the best results. It supports over 240 languages, making it an extensive tool for global communication needs of SMEs. The platform is designed to be intuitive, ensuring that users can easily navigate and utilize its features to achieve accurate and efficient translation results for any content.

  • Multiple Engine Aggregation: Access translations from top machine translation platforms with a single click.
  • Extensive Language Support: Supports over 240 languages, meeting a wide range of global communication needs.
  • AI-Assisted Recommendations: Uses artificial intelligence to recommend the most accurate translation engine for your text.
  • Quality Scores and Insights: Provides detailed quality scores and insights, helping you choose the best translations.
  • Comparative View: Enables easy comparison of outputs across different engines for informed decision-making.
