

What if you had a more efficient way to do influencer marketing? Well, now it's here.

Moonio offers a comprehensive set of tools for brands and creators to connect, and all the necessary features to run hassle-free, successful collaborations.

Discover new creators on auto-pilot. Free influencer search forever. No small print, we are the only player in the market that offers a complete influencer search experience for free.

But don’t be limited by traditional search. Instead, post your campaign to our marketplace and get daily applications from creators.

Collaborate with influencers who love your brand by analyzing your customers and brand fans. Learn when creators engage with your brand on social media and close deals while the love is fresh.

Manage and measure your collaborations. Invite influencers to collaborate with you in just a click, and manage all your collaborations with no setup or training required.

Moonio's Free plan offers all the basic tools you need to run influencer marketing campaigns. Our Professional plan ($49/mo) and Advanced plan ($199/mo) give you advanced features and perks, like access to your brand fans and customers, and meetings with a dedicated Customer Success Manager manager.
