

Pepperdata offers a comprehensive big data Application Performance Management (APM) solution that provides enterprises with an understanding of all performance metrics and tuning parameters in order to maintain performant applications and clusters and manage and plan capacity successfully. Pepperdata provides a single source of real-time big data platform and application truth, on-premise or in the cloud or both, collected from all applications and tasks, sampled every 5 seconds. This data is not available from any other source.

Pepperdata enables enterprises to:

- Diagnose performance issues 10x faster and make informed resource decisions based on user priorities and needs

- Automatically tune platform and applications simultaneously for peak performance and efficiency, achieving 50% improved throughput cluster-wide

- Reclaim wasted resources dynamically at runtime for improved efficiency and savings

- Identify rogue users and applications for rapid automatic or manual remediation

- Automatically tune repetitive applications resulting in 70% faster runtime or reduced resource utilization

- Accurately forecast resource needs based on cluster-wide trends using data collected, enabling informed capacity planning

- Determine optimal software and hardware stacks based on Pepperdata’s extensive knowledge of similar environments and workloads

- Obtain extensive reporting for insights on both platform and application usage patterns, costs, wasted resources, and performance bottlenecks
