Likelihood to Recommend For people on the road frequently and don't have time to set down at a computer right away this is a good choice, especially on a individual basis. It really isn't ideal if you are trying to capture LARGE amounts of business cards though. If you are in need of something that would allow you to capture more than 5-10 cards at a time, I would look for another product.
Robert Chambers Web Designer/Developer, Conversion Based Marketing Consultant and Owner
Read full review In case of day to day lead input and lead addition to CRM this is very useful but in case of large-scale data sheet input or import you have to refer to the CRM. But it's a quick and handy tool whenever you are on the go and want to quickly input the details of a lead into your CRM.
Read full review Pros The image capture is great and it captures the back side which some apps do not allow. It allows you to add notes and details and keeps the image of the card so it is easy to connect all the pieces for followup! It offers a nice variety of sort options which is really helpful if you remember the company but not the name of the person! It exports seamlessly into our CRM. Read full review Card Scanning AI generated Data field capture Lead management Read full review Cons Scans are far from reliable. It seems to just make some obvious spelling mistakes that the AI should be able to figure out. Struggles with complex graphics on business cards. Read full review Seperate applications to be there for Android and IOS for only the scanner Data mapping can be improved Email checker can be incorporated Read full review Alternatives Considered ABBYY business card reader was used one time so I don't have a ton of data. Personally, I felt CamCard was much more user-friendly. I like basic, simple, and easy to use tools. CamCard was it for me!
Read full review Return on Investment Due to CamCard's low cost, I have found it to provide a positive ROI for me. Looking at the cost of business card scanners like ScanDisk provides the cost can be $150+. CamCard has also allowed me to reduce the time of manually inserting contact information from the contacts that I meet, and since time is money, it has saved my organization labor time. Finally, having the ability to use CamCard on my phone, it prevents me from loosing business cards and contact information that I need. Robert Chambers Web Designer/Developer, Conversion Based Marketing Consultant and Owner
Read full review Improves on the go lead management Reduces time of data entry Improves flexibilty of lead addition Read full review ScreenShots