Edsby vs. Blackbaud Education Management Solutions

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Score 8.0 out of 10
Mid-Size Companies (51-1,000 employees)
Edsby is a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) for K-12 school districts that uses web and mobile technologies to connect teachers, students, parents and administrators in new ways. This LMS allows students and parents to check grades, attendance, homework and more from a browser, tablet or mobile phone. The vendor says what sets this LMS apart from others is that Edsby is designed specifically for the special requirements and needs of K-12. To make district-wide…
per user/per year
Blackbaud Education Management Solutions
Score 8.1 out of 10
Blackbaud Education Management Solutions is a unified student management system for K–12 private schools. Blackbaud Enrollment Management System™: Gives schools and families the ability to track admissions progress from first impressions all the way through the application process to acceptance, enrollment, and tuition payment. Blackbaud Learning Management System™: Track students' academic performance and progression…N/A
EdsbyBlackbaud Education Management Solutions
Editions & Modules
per user/per year
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Pricing Offerings
EdsbyBlackbaud Education Management Solutions
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeRequiredRequired
Additional DetailsEdsby charges an up-front fee for initial integration. There are also annual costs, variable with the number of students. Parent, teacher and administrator accounts are free. Certain other features are charged for annually. Special pricing applies for private schools. Contact Edsby for details.
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Community Pulse
EdsbyBlackbaud Education Management Solutions
Top Pros
Top Cons
EdsbyBlackbaud Education Management Solutions
Learning Management
Comparison of Learning Management features of Product A and Product B
1 Ratings
9% above category average
Blackbaud Education Management Solutions
Player/Portal10.01 Ratings00 Ratings
Mobile friendly9.01 Ratings00 Ratings
Progress tracking & certifications7.01 Ratings00 Ratings
Assignments9.01 Ratings00 Ratings
Learning administration10.01 Ratings00 Ratings
Social learning9.01 Ratings00 Ratings
Best Alternatives
EdsbyBlackbaud Education Management Solutions
Small Businesses
Tovuti LMS
Tovuti LMS
Score 9.9 out of 10

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Medium-sized Companies
Schoology Learning
Schoology Learning
Score 9.7 out of 10
PowerSchool SIS
PowerSchool SIS
Score 7.9 out of 10
Schoology Learning
Schoology Learning
Score 9.7 out of 10
PowerSchool SIS
PowerSchool SIS
Score 7.9 out of 10
All AlternativesView all alternativesView all alternatives
User Ratings
EdsbyBlackbaud Education Management Solutions
Likelihood to Recommend
(4 ratings)
(118 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(0 ratings)
(9 ratings)
(2 ratings)
(5 ratings)
Support Rating
(0 ratings)
(115 ratings)
Ease of integration
(0 ratings)
(21 ratings)
User Testimonials
EdsbyBlackbaud Education Management Solutions
Likelihood to Recommend
Edsby is well-suited for day-to-day communication with students, either in the classroom, or at home. It makes planning course progression easier because of the built in day-by-day calendar for the semester. It is transferable, so the work one does in one semester can be copied over to the next, and modified as needed. Students can see the Lesson Plan which is projected onto the SmartBoard, but the font is quite small so they cannot read it from where they are sitting, so I use SmartNotes which has a larger font and then, if needed, attach that note to the Edsby day lesson planner.
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A good, and constantly improving solution for private schools. I don't know that a lot of its functionality would be well suited to public schools, but maybe? The integration with other Blackbaud software is a huge plus for us, as we have several of their other products including their flagship Raiser's Edge. Smaller schools may not need the sophistication of Blackbaud solutions, and it is not an inexpensive option.
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  • Edsby is extremely easy to learn and use.
  • Students love the "social media" feel to Edsby.
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  • Seamless integration between the LMS, EMS and SIS modules
  • Real-time, effective chat support helps me not only with urgent needs but also to work through possibilities for increasing how we use the product.
  • Feature upgrades monthly that respond to voiced needs from users
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  • Edsby shows the last time a user logged on. Unfortunately, if someone doesn't log out you have no way of knowing if someone has seen a recent post or is really using Edsby to its potential.
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  • Forms - lack of conditional questions
  • Gradebook -lack of links to assignments
  • Not being able to customize displays, for example, Grading tab - we just finished 1st semester and teachers could only see the current quarter but not the 1st one which is still part of the first semester. Lack of customization in assessments.
  • Scheduling- even though re-running generating schedules, we're still getting a high number of unscheduled students. Lack of being able to limit the number of scheduled classes in a row for teachers.
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Likelihood to Renew
No answers on this topic
It is a solid product. We have some issues with the capabilities of the website building components and the out dated technology behind its communications software but overall Blackbaud Education Management Software services to combine numerous functions into one product.
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Everything is easy to use and well as being overly user-friendly to your average student.
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Blackbaud EMS is very usable from my perspective. I am a power user and get lots of valuable functionality. It is, however, a complex system. Sometimes necessarily complex to accommodate flexibility for diverse customer needs. Some complexity seems unnecessary and/or hold-over functionality from earlier versions; nice to see this type being evolved away from over time. It is valuable to receive regular updates to the system along with good release notes of what changed and notices of significant changes in advance.
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Support Rating
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Decent support however the chat feature can take a great amount of time out of the workday. If for instance you are waiting for someone to respond in the chat and there is a fire drill, if you are not responding within a few minutes, you are disconnected and have to start all over again. It would be great if you could submit your problem and then whoever has the most experience, can respond. The training in the Blackbaud University is good but also time-consuming - a 3 hr training in the middle of a workday is a lot to ask. I like the 90-minute sessions. It would also be great to offer a shorter webinar to update on any changes implemented. Other than the email I subscribed to, there is no information on how these updates actually work.
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Alternatives Considered
EDSBY was piloted at the school last semester, and I found it made my job easier, which is a boon since time is fleeting and I could get more done with less effort with Edsby. After the pilot the entire school district was signed up to use Edsby. I like it very much. I did use a blog on First Class which was extremely difficult to learn, and a blog on WordPress which was easier to learn how to use but not interactive like Edsby is. To my mind, Edsby is far superior to the former.
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Blackbaud K-12 is very similar. I feel like I would be trading one set of issues for another so it's kind of a wash. We are very much hooked into the Blackbaud website with our Google SSO, SmartTuition, and Schooldoc integrations. It would be difficult for us to transition. That is the main reason I haven't really entertained other web firms.
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Return on Investment
  • For the most part, teachers, parents and students love the system. It provides easy access to the information that they need when they need it.
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  • Negative - The rollout is brutal. Blackbaud said it could happen in 6 months, but that is definitely not a reality. It will take well over a year, and one complete school cycle to actually integrate everything correctly.
  • Positive - The amount of time saved in data processing has allowed our office to become more involved in other areas of the school.
  • Positive - The ease of having everything in [one] place, from inquiry to application to contracts and course registration, has been a HUGE benefit to our applicants and their families.
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Edsby Screenshots

Screenshot of the student's dashboard view in EdsbyScreenshot of private teacher observations of students in Edsby, taggedScreenshot of mobile Edsby clients available for iOS and AndroidScreenshot of a teacher's view of an Edsby class, the heart of the Edsby learning and analytics platformScreenshot of the teacher's view of a class gradebook in the Edsby learning and analytics platformScreenshot of a student eportfolio in the Edsby learning and analytics platform

Blackbaud Education Management Solutions Screenshots

Screenshot of Topics pages help organize units of learning throughout the year in the Learning Management SystemScreenshot of Blackbaud's education management solutions come with strong reporting tools to get the information you need quicklyScreenshot of Schedule view makes it easy for teachers to manage their daysScreenshot of Blackbaud Enrollment Management System Admissions Checklists help applicants track their progress in the admissions processScreenshot of Blackbaud's education management solutions come with strong reporting tools to get the information you need quicklyScreenshot of Keep track of all the key information about your students in one place