Lobbytrack vs. Robin

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Score 6.5 out of 10
Lobbytrack is visitor management software from Jolly Technologies. It includes a cloud based online visitor management platform (lobbytrack.com) with an on-site sign-in mobile app that can run on a tablet, as well as a desktop based self-managed visitor management solution (Lobby Track Desktop).
per month per location
Score 9.1 out of 10
Robin helps companies simplify workplace management with software for desk and room booking, in-office scheduling, visitor management and analytics to support decision making.
per year
Editions & Modules
per month per location
per month per location
per month per location
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Pricing Offerings
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeOptionalNo setup fee
Additional DetailsNo contract, no risk, no hidden fees or extra charges for essential features. Regarding pricing for tailored solutions and non-profit organizations, please contactPrimary solution (Desk and Room Booking) includes 25 user licenses. Additional user licenses and add-ons are available for purchase. Add-ons: Visitor Management, Advanced Analytics, Priority Support, and Advanced Authentication and Security Integrations.
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Best Alternatives
Small Businesses

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Zoho Bookings
Zoho Bookings
Score 9.4 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies

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User Ratings
Likelihood to Recommend
(8 ratings)
(32 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(9 ratings)
Support Rating
(0 ratings)
(18 ratings)
User Testimonials
Likelihood to Recommend
Jolly Technologies Inc
I think that Lobbytrack would be suited for most organizations that are trying to modernize their visitor management workflow. You would need someone with a technical background to make the most of the Lobbytrack feature-set, but you can get the core functionality of the system up and running fairly quickly. The product might be less desirable for an organization where compliance and security is a critical priority, as features like their SSO integration still needs to mature.
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There is an option in our office to use a tablet outside of a meeting room to book a room (which is red when booked, green when not), and not sure if this is a Robin integration, but it would be great if there was a yellow for when there is 5 minutes left of a meeting. That being said, while this is super helpful, I see coworkers running around the office looking for a "green" room; and recommend they just use the Robin web app to avoid all the running around since they can view and book almost instantly!
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Jolly Technologies Inc
  • Sign in visitors with Name Phone number their identity.
  • It notifies the host.
  • It can also pre register the visitor and also to immediate registration.
  • Control access and photo identity.
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  • The integration to GSuite calendars is fantastic. Very simple and straightforward.
  • The ability to customize the interface a very nice feature to have in Robin, as it offers you to allow the UI to reflect the vibe/brand of your company, and not force its own brand on you.
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Jolly Technologies Inc
  • Scheduled reports (instead of run on demand).
  • Published API and/or an automated way of loading data to the database (it's not difficult but could be automated).
  • Updating layout of printed labels is not very intuitive (but we only have to do it rarely).
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  • Sometimes the Robin app on iPad loses Wi-Fi connectivity for a few seconds (Wi-Fi is 100% working) but reconnects itself - no big deal
  • Sometimes Robin Slack bot won't respond back to "what's available" but 99% it works ok
  • The earlier version of iPad app drained batter too quickly (it didn't save brightness setting) which was fixed and now works well
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Likelihood to Renew
Jolly Technologies Inc
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It is easy to use and gives us all we need
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Jolly Technologies Inc
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Robin's UI is very well designed and modern which makes it a pleasure to use. Personally this a big factor for me enjoying a product and so I'm always happy to use Robin - moreover as a relatively new user the UI was quite quick to pick-up, whether that be using the online system or the Display app for rooms around the office.
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Support Rating
Jolly Technologies Inc
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Envoy support has always been a joy to work it, whether you're going through the dashboard chat, or through your rep. I feel that they always have your success as their priority and it makes me confident that they'd be able to help overcome any obstacles.
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Alternatives Considered
Jolly Technologies Inc
Lobby track has proved to be cost-efficient and at the same time, this is also multi-tasking where each and every step and user interface is very easy to use. Even the visitors can self-register themselves and need not wait for the other person to do an entry. Plus the biggest advantage that we have observed is the final report which helps us to create a database.
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I haven't used any software like Robin. Other places I worked required an archaic way of doing things...like using pen and paper and a calendar book. Robin is sooo much better. I don't know how large companies make do reserving spaces without it. I would recommend Robin to anyone.
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Return on Investment
Jolly Technologies Inc
  • Did not use it for my business, but rather as a user. Worked great, will implement in my business when we need guest management software.
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  • We are able to know the available desks before going into an office.
  • We can easily see where our team members are seated.
  • Booking spaces before hand.
  • Have been able to eliminate the double booking of desks as well as conference rooms.
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Robin Screenshots

Screenshot of the desk and room booking interface.Screenshot of the room display and mobile app.Screenshot of workweek scheduling and office activities.Screenshot of workplace analytics and occupancy data.