Based in Toronto, Questrade offers solutions for investors with self-directed investing and Questwealth Portfolios, presented as intelligent, lower fee portfolios designed by experts to help the user achieve financial goals.
Does not haveFree Trial
Does not haveFree/Freemium Version
Does not havePremium Consulting/Integration Services
Coinbase is a digital currency exchange (Coinbase Pro) and crypto-oriented software solution suite for businesses, including hosted checkout pages, payment buttons, invoicing, and multiple ecommerce integrations (Coinbase Commerce), a turnkey solution for brokerages, exchanges, and fintechs enabling…
The financial world is too complex for constant self-analysis. Centralised investment firms and the banking system are too uncertain which exposes their users to many risks
Using blockchain and artificial intelligence, Intelfin multi-platform implements an automated, responsive system. The platform…
Shrimpy, headquartered in Santa Clara, is a social trading platform for cryptocurrency. It is presented as a simple way to manage a portfolio by automating the user's trading strategy.
They can reduce the pricing a bit.
They Should expand their reach to other geographies as well.
For … portfolio which includes stock-specific investments and ETFs as well. They charge no commission or very little commission on some specific trade. … Pricing is on a bit…
Questrade has a very responsive customer support team.
Questrade has low fees. … tax reporting greatly.
Questrade should be a bit more transparent on its fees for FX conversion, margin interest, etc. Currentl…
and options investing. The platform is easy to use and has low processing fees, so even if you're investing with small amounts, you can still make profits