Atlassian Jira: The only Solution You Need, Period.
August 15, 2014

Atlassian Jira: The only Solution You Need, Period.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • Issue Tracker
  • Agile
  • Projects

Overall Satisfaction with Atlassian JIRA

Atlassian JIRA was originally implemented solely in our Application Support department of which I am a member of. It is now being used by several other departments within our Division of Information Systems. The system is used as both a tool to track ongoing support issues, but also as a software development project management tool. This allows us to centralize all of our tasks related to a specific project and can see real time statistics based upon our work.


  • I love the way that the new version is setup. I love the split screen where I can see the JIRA tickets on the left and the details to the right, all from the same screen.
  • I love how customizable and seamless the system is. If you can think up a process, it can easily be implemented into the system.
  • We think that the email feature is terrific and love how everything is tracked, so we know exactly where we are at with communications for any given project.


  • It would be great if when you email out of the JIRA system, that the replies would go into the Comments tab instead of the email tab. We use the comments tab religiously and often forget to check the email tab for any communications. We can possibly use the all tab, but that shows every little update and is too time consuming.
  • I wish there was a way to automatically strip email replies so that only the next comments are tracked in the log. Sometimes when we have numerous emails going back and forth, there can be a long email trail and that long trail gets added every time to the audit log and it is just redundant information.
  • It would be nice if we could change the column size on the new dashboard where your favorite filters are placed. Sometimes you cannot see the entire Filter name.
  • On the dashboard screen, it would be nice to be able to resize any of the gadgets.
  • It would be great if there was more of a variety of gadgets made available to the users, free of charge.
  • We have definitely seen improved customer service by utilizing JIRA, as it has allowed us to quickly notify our users of where their issues stand.
  • The efficiency of our employees has increased as well because we no longer need to remember what we last did on a task, as everything is tracked and found easily in JIRA.
JIRA is by far more superior to Sharepoint, in my opinion, when it comes to tracking information. Sharepoint is very clunky and difficult to customize. We spent way too much time trying to configure Sharepoint into a useable product until we decide to just abandon the product in favor of Atlassian JIRA. It has been a godsend and have had hardly any issues getting it setup the way we need it to work.
The functionality we receive out of the product for the cost is a no brainer in my book for renewing it. We are excited by all the new features that are added to the product and we look forward to what is next. The ease of use alone is worth its weight in gold.
I believe the system works great from a technical support standpoint. We are able to track all issues that come into the office in an efficient manner and can quickly gauge the progress of any issue. From a Project Management standpoint, it is great for tracking time on individual tasks, but the addition of a scheduling module and calendar would be ideal. This would truly make JIRA a one-stop shop for all of our needs.


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