A 10 Year Take at BigCommerce
May 17, 2019

A 10 Year Take at BigCommerce

Dennis Haddix | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with BigCommerce

BigCommerce (BC) is utilized as the end user website and the administration functionality in its entirety. Fortunately, BC has partnered with several software providers for expanding and enhancing the functionality to assist with bottom level email integration, calculating tax revenue and required tax payments, order processing gateways, shipping integration tools and many others that I am confident we may or may not use daily.

BC is not an inexpensive approach to E-commerce. We receive several solicitations monthly for other shopping cart providers. But when your store has over 20K items and we continue to increase these product offerings daily, the burden of switching becomes a task not worth whiteboarding.

The most important value of BC is their dedication to uptime and addressing service interruptions timely.


  • Excellent Product Support
  • Dedication to Site Availability
  • Communication of Enhancements
  • Open for Reccomendations


  • More Dashboard Customization
  • Open Fields for Mapping Data for Imports
  • Enhanced Global Editing
  • On-Site SEO
  • Scalable
  • Customizable (at a cost)
I believe in the scalability being almost limitless if you have a pocketbook that can handle the ideas and or requirements of the scaling required to complete the task at hand. This is a bias comment as BC is the only platform we have used. I have heard of other platforms having tremendous scalability and although there is always a cost associated, maybe it would not be as high as BC. Defensively, this could be as BC is such a robust and sophisticated platform, any changes desired simply come at a cost...
To follow up in my opening comments, BC offers vetted and premium partners that support the open APIs. We utilize many of these applications for different functions. My general approach to this App (API) integration is it simply accomplishes the task at hand in a digital arena versus the necessity of a physical presence includes additional costs beyond the APPs monthly commitment.
BigCommerce was selected for the final direction to take with regards to other product offerings for the sole reason of we had one fail horribly and the other was dropped from being supported. I will focus solely on the lack of support or rather the decision for an organization to cease the support on one platform and focus all energies on another. We selected a platform after the first failure occurred during the first launch of initial decision for a shopping platform, called Interspire. We committed resources inclusive of time, staff and monies to create this website for niche and after almost three years of this commitment, I receive an email of no longer supporting this platform and solely focusing on their other platform launched. The other platform was named BigCommerce, they were essentially one of the same. This was a tough a pill to swallow but after three years of blood, sweat and tears - what is a company supposed to do? The integration was easy (and costly) but necessary to move forward in the space. We have not utilized any other platforms but we have and are pursuing WuCommerce for a possible new niche to diversify the company.
BigCommerce is well suited for just about any category of B2B and B2C. Althought our focus is centered around B2C, we have increased our B2B base because of the ease of functionality for the B2B client.

BigCommerce does not fit well for someone on a budget. The Enterprise level of agreement is extremely costly, probably the most expensive monthly fixed cost, as everything else can be adjusted - but not the monetary commitment to BigCommerce.

BigCommerce Feature Ratings

Product catalog & listings
Product management
Bulk product upload
Mobile storefront
Product variations
Website integration
Visual customization
Abandoned cart recovery
Checkout user experience
eCommerce security
Promotions & discounts
Personalized recommendations
Order processing
Inventory management
Custom functionality


  • Emily Rediker | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Thanks for your candid feedback, Dennis. I'm happy to hear you've realized the value in our team's dedication to uptime and reliability. I will pass along all of your feedback to our product teams. I would also encourage you to check out our new BigCommerce for Wordpress cart plugin to weigh the pros and cons of this against Woo. https://www.bigcommerce.com/solutions/wordpress-ecommerce-plugin/

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