BillQuick- Gets better over time
Overall Satisfaction with BQE Core
We use BillQuick as our sole accounting, time management, and record keeping system. All daily transactions are processed through BillQuick. It is used for everything from AP, AR, invoicing, to all financial reporting. One of the few items we do not use BillQuick for is payroll. But that is because we just got to the 50 person mark and do have the administrative staff to do in-house payroll. Our administrative staff consists of 4 people and they are the ones who are in BillQuick all day. The rest of the staff uses the program more for time and expense entry. We are working on teaching principals, associates, and project managers how to look up information on their own.
- Daily Data Entry- the AR and banking modules are easy to use and do not require excessive training. They have kept these functions clean and to the point.
- User Friendly - The interface is easy to read and having different ways to get to the one area is convenient. The way it is organized makes it easy to get around and find what you are looking for.
- Time & Expense Entry - This module is easy to use and understand. There are different ways to view and enter time and expenses, which is nice because everyone thinks differently.
- Reporting - The ability to customize reports and that there are a variety of reports to choose from makes it [useful].
- Pre-programmed Features - the system comes with items (such as default accounts) which you can not edit, delete, or make inactive. You have to explain to a CPA or upper management what they are and why there are there. These default accounts are also the catch all for when there is a difference in fixed fee billing.
- When looking for specific details, it is hard to follow exactly where everything came from. It works best at the broad overview level but the more detailed you get the harder it is to find the answer.
- When running reports, the ability (or lack there of) to choose which phases you want to see is missing. You can say you want phases 1, 2, & 3 yet only 2 will show and there is no a reason for this.
- Time & Expenses which have been marked as not billable don't show up on billing reports. We have asked tech support for help with this but they were only able to give us a report to run each month. The time should still show up on the billing report even if it's marked as non billable as that time is still against the project.
- In the credit card screen, once you start entering items in you can not go back and delete a line item. You can make it $0 but not get rid of it 100%.
- Extra CPA hours - because of the issues with the accounting side of BillQuick, we have had to spent extra hours with the CPA to understand exactly why it does some of the things it does. Over the years it has gotten better but we still have to work extra hard every quarter to make sure it is functioning correctly.
- Time and Expense entry - being able to have the staff enter their own time and expenses has allowed for the administrative staff to focus on other items instead of being bogged down with those items.
- One system - having all the company information in one system is cheaper than maintaining 2 or more systems. Plus all the risk associated with double entry is gone.
- Finding errors in the ledger - this is both a good a bad. Depending on the entry, it is either really easy to find or hard to find because you can't tell if it is a vendor bill, expense entry, or credit card charge. Also, there are no notes that show up which indicate what the line item is. Even if a note was left in the original entry.
- Wind2, Deltek Ajera and MYOB
Wind2 and MYOB where both DOS based operating systems so BillQuick is a god send compared to them. While BillQuick and Ajera are both Windows based, when we purchased BillQuick, it was mainly because for the size of the company we were (12 people), it was a much better option than Ajera, which is great for a larger firm. As we have grown, BillQuick has done a great job at growing with us. The only issue we are having is that we opened an office in another state and we have not been able to get those staff members to access the data base yet. But we are working on it.
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