Quality contact assurance
Updated January 21, 2020

Quality contact assurance

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with BriteVerify

This valued tool enables us to determine the accuracy of mailing lists we develop for clients and internal use. We can confirm current email addresses and, more importantly, eliminate invalid addresses to avoid bounces in message delivery. Its use is highly intuitive, it runs quickly, and is a worthwhile cost-effective measure.


  • Very small learning curve.
  • Category breakdown.
  • Inexpensive.


  • I'm very satisfied with its current functionality.
  • Improved accuracy of contact lists for internal and external marketing.
  • Minimal cost is worth confirmation of accurate contacts.
  • Avoids the need to discount lists because of invalid contacts.
Recommended to us by users at other companies based on an easy learning curve, low cost, and quick results.
Prompt response from the support team helped resolve an administrative matter. Only one such experience indicates to me that they are highly responsive to customer needs.

Do you think BriteVerify delivers good value for the price?


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Would you buy BriteVerify again?


The operation couldn't be simpler. Evaluation time depends on the size of the list to be analyzed, but the difference is a matter of minutes at most. Results are stored for later reference, but the breakdown of each list is provided immediately by email.


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