Manufacturing Payroll Manager
October 23, 2018
Manufacturing Payroll Manager
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Ceridian Dayforce
Dayforce is being used across our entire organization to process payroll and distribute paychecks to the divisions and employees. We replaced our payroll system with Dayforce in 2015 and have loved it since making the transition. The ERP we use doesn't work greatly with Dayforce at the current moment but we have some ways to work around the issues.
- Dayforce does a great job of working with it's customers to solve problems. The support site is simple to use and the customer service rep that you are assigned helps you escalate issues if they aren't getting escalated quick enough through the support site.
- Dayforce has been pretty easy for us to use beginning from day 1. I haven't gone through a year end yet as I just moved into the payroll manager role and am curious to see how it goes.
- Dayforce has had a positive impact on employee engagement which in turns leads to a positive impact on ROI.
Before using Dayforce we were on ADP. Making the switch has made life easier for the whole team at once. Our employees love the abilities they are given through Dayforce that they weren't through ADP. It also makes processing, transmitting, and paying employees much simpler than ADP did. Overall as a company we have been very satisfied with the move to Dayforce.
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