ConnectWise (formerly ScreenConnect) full review
December 12, 2018
ConnectWise (formerly ScreenConnect) full review
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with ConnectWise Control (formerly ScreenConnect)
I originally purchased ScreenConnect back in 2009 and built an in-house server to host it on an old DELL GX1 desktop computer. I have used it heavily for all 9 years and use it currently to support my clients of my computer repair/support business.
I have a domain name tied to it: "" and a sub-domain tied to it as well: "".
In the last 2 years, I migrated my installation to a VPS to better support my users and to provide greater up-time reliability. I love this product and have never had a problem using it.
I currently have 2 concurrent licenses and plan to renew my support again in the next few weeks.
I have a domain name tied to it: "" and a sub-domain tied to it as well: "".
In the last 2 years, I migrated my installation to a VPS to better support my users and to provide greater up-time reliability. I love this product and have never had a problem using it.
I currently have 2 concurrent licenses and plan to renew my support again in the next few weeks.
- Allows me to reach my customers without the need to go onsite.
- Allows me to perform maintenance off hours, off premises.
- Allows me to complete work that is needed once the user takes their computer home...and perform this work for them once connected back at their location.
- Gives me a service I can provide that others who do what I do...can't
- I have seen nothing that is missing....the best addition was the ability to have unassisted clients. I use this for connecting to devices I manage for organizations such as servers and user computers. This allows me to maintain these devices off hours.
- Increased efficiency because I can work on machines (when available) via remote sessions.
- Makes my business more marketable due to being able to offer a "hands off" experience...where I don't need to step in the door and gives me a more flexible schedule.
- Give me greater user coverage since I can support users that are not in the general area. I have done and current do this with businesses and organizations.
This was the first product of this kind that I encountered...and have not used any others.
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