Great Valuable Software
Updated May 30, 2023

Great Valuable Software

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Score 10 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with D&B Finance Analytics

D&B product functionality and performance assist in our credit process and decision making to open new accounts for our company. The information gathered contributes to our Credit Managers in improving our business process and customer relations and service. It is a great tool and we use the product daily. Also we received great training and are able to contact D&B at any time for assistance with any issues or additional training.


  • Customized the program for our specific use
  • Our prospective customer are able to complete an online credit application through D&B
  • Create a quick credit decision to determine customer credit worthiness


  • We are new to using the system so we are still getting familiar with using it.
  • Still a lot of information. Examples or review videos may help.
  • The product is worth the cost as all of our Credit Managers use it.
Giving true up to date information verses some companies that stagger behind with the information giving data weekly verses daily. A company ca change from good to bad and this protects our company from exposure. This is very important as steel prices decrease a lot of companies find themselves going out of business or filing bankruptcy. Data in advance assists us in ultimately being prepared or creating a plan to deal with each situation individually.
The implementation was very easy with the training given. The entire credit group took time to review and drive in the program, asking any questions, creating scenarios and trying to work them out using D&B data, and if we had any questions we were given direct numbers to reach out and set up additional training.
We selected the program after a meeting we had. The information seemed to fit with the needs of our company and provided customization for what we needed according to the computer programming we are using. If we found the information did not fit we were given options to remove, change or add to the feature to fit our companies needs.
All of the Credit Managers like the program and continue to use it to receive new credit applications, run reports on new customer, potential customer, credit reviews which are vital tools in decision making for our company. With the D&B report and credit references we are to get a better gage in determining a customer's credit limit as well.

Do you think D&B Finance Analytics delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with D&B Finance Analytics's feature set?


Did D&B Finance Analytics live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of D&B Finance Analytics go as expected?


Would you buy D&B Finance Analytics again?


The financial Analytics assisted with more information than another report we used and helped decline a customer otherwise found credit worthy through another customer. D&B found that they were having cash flow issues so we set the customer up as CIA instead of extended credit.

Using D&B Finance Analytics

7 - The reports used by our company are basically used by our Credit Managers. However often times the Account Managers or Sales Managers request that the Credit Managers review information on accounts that they may have gotten negative information, orders will increase or there is a potential for new business. This report is our tool to gather this information.
7 - Sales, Account Managers, CFO and Credit Managers use this information. Although the Credit Managers are the ones that run the reports the persons listed are able to requests these reports be ran as well as the Credit Mangers. We want to keep all persons involved in the know in regards to good, new and even bad customers.
  • credit review
  • severe alerts
  • investigations
  • locating customers under multiple names
  • increase credit limits for customers
Currently all of the Credit Managers use the report daily when review, setting up or investigating new or potential customers. They also use the repot when review current customer's to determine credit worthiness in the event there is a potential for bad debt, bankruptcy or an increase in growth with our company.

Evaluating D&B Finance Analytics and Competitors

Yes - Yes D&B Finance Analytics replaced another product in our organization. Our company no longer uses Cortera and replaced their service wit D&B. The Credit Managers believe this is now a better fit, has worked out well and received positive reviews on the change from these individuals. We will continue to use your program.
  • Scalability
  • Integration with Other Systems
  • Ease of Use
Our company uses it to investigate late payments to a vendor, creditor, or lender, to determine credit risk, general company information, history of the business, business registration information and public filings. All of these things are used to make a very clean concise decision to open, reopen or deny credit.
Current our company is satisfied with the decision to use D&B in our everyday credit decision making. We assess the
creditworthiness of a company. D&B reports allow us to check business credit and get accurate information to use as a bargaining chip if a customer may be less than credit worthy as well as setting up payment agreements.

D&B Finance Analytics Support

Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
No, not at this time. We will review at a later time to determine if this is something we feel we need. I believe receiving important accurate updates and credit scores are currently being used best for us right now. We will keep using this information so we get an
accurate picture of all company’s creditworthiness.
Yes - At one time we would enter the new companies names but it was not populating the information or saving it. WE found out it was user error so we requested additional training. WE were walked through the program once again however allowing the Credit Mangers to drive so they got a better understanding on how to use the system.
We were given some negative information account a customer. After review the D&B we found that the customer was associated with another customers that owed us money. We would have potentially opened another account for the same bad customer. However with the information provided after a thorough investigation we prevented s matter that could have been catastrophic to the company.

Using D&B Finance Analytics

Like to use
Relatively simple
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • D&B PAYDEX Score
  • Risk of late payment indicator
  • Payment history
  • understanding the Paydex score


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