Promising marketing and value proposition, but unfortunately fell short in the end.
April 21, 2021
Promising marketing and value proposition, but unfortunately fell short in the end.

Score 5 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Dice Open Web
Dice Open Web was mostly used by the human resources department, specifically talent acquisition and talent management. Certain leaders and managers also used it from product development and engineering departments for networking purposes and connections. The main business objective it addressed was recruiting, sourcing, and proactively making connections with professionals in the local business community and across the country when able to do so.
- Dice Open Web was able to gather information on candidates, contacts, employees, etc. from different sources and allocating it into one place which made organization easier.
- Consolidating data and information into one main hub made it easier to get consistent information and reduced the need to visit multiple sites or search other boards and social media platforms.
- It provided some valuable information about a person's background and education and skills to determine if there was a potential fit for a particular role.
- Dice Open Web seemed to not be able to keep up with other platforms and some features and functionality were either missing or quickly became obsolete.
- It doesn't really seem to remain competitive on the landscape and feel behind in product release and feature updates.
- Some information was outdated and didn't get regularly refreshed or updated it seemed. Just kind of churning the same information as before or the lack of reach was evident over time.
- Dice Open Web did provide some value to the organization when it was being utilized, but as mentioned, it failed to keep up over time or continue to stay innovative.
- It didn't give any negative returns on investment, but it appeared as though it would be more robust and functional than it really was so over time that was a disappointment.
- It serves its purpose for smaller to mid size organizations that have a slower turn around time for filling positions. But somewhere where speed is necessary and in higher demand, it probably wouldn't work as well.
The decision to go with Dice wasn't up to me, it was up to technology leaders and decision makers above me. The decision to go with it originally was the belief that it was more robust than it really was and was a true competitor to the likes of Linkedin. It seems a bit antiquated and as if it's fallen behind in updates and innovation. Unfortunately, Dice ranks fairly low in comparison to other platforms I've used in the past.
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