Smart reference manager
November 11, 2021
Smart reference manager

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with EndNote
I used in in my previous academic organization (IISER TVM) extensively for my research thesis and work. It is used across my organization. It is very convienient tool to compile and manage enormous bibliographic data for my personal use as well as academic purposes. The add-on tools integrated in EndNote are very convienient and easy to use.
- Citation insertion
- Easy merge and updation of documents with cited references
- Bibliography compilation and maintenance
- Better integrated tools with other applications
- While finding full text, downloading all PDFs in single folder rather than in each folder will be a betterment.
- Auto template updation in the existing library
- Simplified library editing panel
- Not much mannual intervention in facilitating error free compilation of data
- Advantage of better time management
- Easy accessibility for the multiple user on multiple projects
- Highly priced
- Support could be better
- Not everyone can afford at this price
I like the ease of using EndNote inbuilt tools and add-ins. The best part is, I can simply copy the reference from the EndNote library and paste it into the Word document. When my file is ready, I select the journal style or download it and it does the job quickly. Another good thing is that it gives freedom to choose to reference style either in the auto format or manual compiling mode. I feel this superior ease of features is a bit compromised on the other citation managers/bibliographic software.
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