Sponsored Jobs on Indeed - Quality Candidates and Easy Process
March 25, 2022

Sponsored Jobs on Indeed - Quality Candidates and Easy Process

Erika MacGregor | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Indeed Sponsored Jobs

We use Indeed Sponsored Jobs to help us get the best quality candidates possible. This has helped us hire many applicants with the several job advertisements we post. The business problem the product addresses is getting instant matches to the relevant position to help make hiring a quick and easy process.


  • Assessments - A better pool of candidates because it differentiates between candidates that don't fill out the assessments and candidates that do.
  • Instant Match - We use this quite frequently and can invite matched candidates to apply for our job post.
  • Screener Questions - Anyone who does not meet our deal-breaker questions will be rejected, which helps us if we have a lot of candidates to review.


  • Job Status - Pause, Close, Open - It would be helpful to see a date on when it was paused or closed that way if we need to reopen we know how long it has been since we filled that position.
  • Time of hire - Quick and Easy.
  • Applicant Quality - Deal Breaker Questions and Assessments help us get the best quality candidates.
Our two representatives, Delia and Alex, are always helpful when we have questions and we know they will be able to walk us through any problem we may have.

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Indeed Sponsored Jobs is well suited in the areas of allowing us to match with certain candidates that have the qualifications we are looking for and rejecting candidates that don't meet our qualifications.


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