Ready to Root for Kahoot!
Overall Satisfaction with Kahoot!
Our organization uses this application in similar yet different ways. We use this in individual classrooms, both at home and in-class. We use this in both primary and intermediate grade levels. For primary grades, we practice simple concepts with in-class review. In intermediate grades, students are able to create study sets, and teachers are able to create assessments by using reports within Kahoot. Teachers are able to monitor student progress and retention while dialing up student interest and involvement.
- Inventive format
- Colorful, vibrant design
- Easy interface for young students to use
- Easily adaptable for various age levels
- Change and innovation can lead to unpredictability and confusion among students
- Updates to the site left many colleagues confused
- New interface feels cluttered and overwhelming
- Increased at-home connection
- Seamless transitions in class
- New ways of presenting information that attracts students' attention
Kahoot is more engaging than Quizlet. Quizlet is simple and clean. Kahoot's user interface is a bit brighter and busier. Students pay more attention to Kahoot, and request to use it when reviewing information from a lesson or chapter. Kahoot can be used for multiple components of the same lesson. Quizlet also has not added many new features, while Kahoot continues to evolve and provide insight into topics like social emotional learning and professional development.
Do you think Kahoot! delivers good value for the price?
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