Solid Program, Though Not Entirely Without Flaw
Overall Satisfaction
Qvidian is mainly used by our marketing team, although our legal/compliance team has touched upon it too. The purpose of purchasing Qvidian was from both an efficiency and a legality standpoint; to 1) streamline our RFI process, and 2) to have a consolidated system to house standard, legally-approved responses to commonly asked questions. The latter was particularly important, as it helps us ensure we are being consistent in the way we respond to questions by drawing upon the Qvidian Library, which can be reviewed and updated periodically by our legal team.
- I confess we do not yet use Qvidian to its full potential, but one thing I really love about the system is our ease of access to our SalesEdge Rep, who has always been more than available to train our staff, address our questions, jump onto a call or webinar to train us or help solve our problems, or show us work-arounds for issues we are having. Every system has it's pros and cons; service is really what matters the most, in my opinion.
- The Qvidian plug-in in Word has never failed me. I really do like the feature they created to apply brand-standard styles (via the use of Templates) into the process of uploading responses into the library. When exporting those responses and using them in RFIs, it saves a lot of time in having to go through the document and constantly re-format each response.
- Perhaps it is because I don't spend time EVERY day in the system, but Qvidian maybe isn't the most user-friendly program I have had experience with. There are a lot of technical components, a lot of steps and things you have to be aware of and careful about when using the system, and it can get pretty confusing for those of us who are not program savvy. There are instances when programs need to be opened or closed or whatnot before Qvidian features can be used, for example. which can make the system frustrating to those of us who don't really have a lot of time and prefer a "plug and play" program. Truth be told, this is why I have never used Qvidian to import an RFI document and export our answers directly into it (which I guess is about half the functionality of the system). Instead, I search my library and copy/paste answers into my RFI documents. I understand that if I were to spend more time orienting myself with the program, this "confusion" would be mitigated. However, I don't often have the time to.
- I'm not particularly fond of the User's Manual. When I am trying to do something in the system, I feel like I need to reference various, often times unrelated chapters in the manual to retrieve the help I need, and sometimes even that doesn't work. I've come to rely solely on reaching out to our rep whenever I have a problem -- which works great for me! But maybe not so much for her ;)
- One little thing that reeeeally annoys me about the program (and this might not be Qvidian's fault, I don't know!) is that I always have to be in "Compatibility Mode" in my browser in order to use the system. I don't know, but I think it's because Qvidian is not yet compatible with various web browsers or such? I remember I spent about 50% of my initial in-house Qvidian training just trying to find a browser that worked and supported Qvidian, and even then I had heinous issues with the system logging me out. I haven't had problems with that ever since (FireFox seems to work just fine) but I still occasionally have compatibility issues.
- The positive impact has been to know we have a system that can house legally-approved responses to questionnaires. The good about this is that if we have a simple RFI that does not require a lot of response customization, we can draw upon previously-approved responses and create output MUCH quicker, without the need of laborious and time-consuming legal reviews of RFIs or DDQs we produce for prospective clients. Quicker, easier output with less internal review = efficient RFI process and quicker turnaround time to respond to our client/prospective client base.
- The negative impact has only been the time it takes to orient oneself with the program, and REMAIN oriented. As we do not do RFIs on a daily basis, it is easy for us to become rusty, or to take short-cuts because we do not have time to re-train on the program. Those shortcuts and workarounds tend to cause us not to use the program to its full potential and lead to counter-productivity in some cases.
N/A. As mentioned before, I was not included in the selection process so I cannot speak to this.
Product Usage
2 - Myself - as the individual responsible for managing our RFI and DDQ response process, and for managing our books and records of documents produced and distributed externally. Our General Counsel and CCO also uses the system on a peripheral basis, to review the library, make sure responses are current, and reference the library in her review of new RFI / DDQ responses we draft to ensure we are remaining consistent and that our library contains only the most updated information available.
1 - I'm not sure if I am understanding this question appropriately, but from an in-house perspective, I am pretty much the sole "Master User" of the program. I maintain the Administrator function in the program, and maintain user access and functions throughout our company as those functions are needed.
I think an ideal candidate for Qvidian first and foremost would come from a company that would be using the program on a routine, preferably daily basis. The user would ideally have moderate to moderate/advanced systems experience, and be able to navigate through various steps, check-boxes, and program compatibility issues. The user would also need to be more familiar with PC platforms than Mac platforms. Qvidian doesn't have a new-age feel like other programs do.
I think an ideal candidate for Qvidian first and foremost would come from a company that would be using the program on a routine, preferably daily basis. The user would ideally have moderate to moderate/advanced systems experience, and be able to navigate through various steps, check-boxes, and program compatibility issues. The user would also need to be more familiar with PC platforms than Mac platforms. Qvidian doesn't have a new-age feel like other programs do.
- Most important use: To store legally-approved responses to previous RFIs/DDQs, which can be drawn upon to complete future RFIs/DDQs
- Second important use: To streamline our RFI process and make it easier to complete RFIs/DDQs without having to dig through hundreds of documents to see how we responded to similar questions in the past.
- N/A - TBD?
- If we can find the time to become fully trained in the program (assuming we find it a warranted use of our time), we would like to use the system to it's full potential - ie, uploading RFIs and exporting answers directly into the document instead of copy/pasting questions here and there.
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