Up to my NXT (neck) in Raiser's Edge
Updated March 09, 2017

Up to my NXT (neck) in Raiser's Edge

Sue McGrath | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Raiser's Edge NXT

We are a small foundation, only 4 people so this software helps us tremendously. The admin assistant inputs all of our donations and I manage all of the reporting, queries, etc.

We use this for our stewardship program and it helps us on a daily basis to recognize our donors, alerts us to lapsing or lapsed donors. It also helps with the direct marketing company we use for appeals like our year end appeal to track our past successes and our grateful patient program.


  • Ratings that are given/tagged to donor files help to target which donors to mail to or contact.
  • Helps with relationships that need attention or need to be kept engaged - and are automatically updated and tagged EACH NIGHT!
  • The work center is great for analyzing portfolio, gifts, actions


  • Nothing - Blackbaud is great at keeping on top of things
  • Operational Efficiency
  • Increased revenue from new donors
  • Increased revenue from existing donors
  • Reduced IT expenditure due to cloud deployment
Yes, all achieved - just based on everyone's time it is more efficient. In regards to revenue, it helps to keep us focused in the right direction.
We have used Target Tags for about the last 5 years in our grateful patient program - this helps us to specifically target certain donors and what the "ask" is going to be.
AddressFinder - eliminates wasted postage and printing.
EmailFinder - Online presence is growing fast and up to the minute communication about our community hospital is essential.
AgeFinder - the more data you have the better.
Online Express - Tailored emails, easy to use, works great in conjunction with query lists from RE NXT.
BB Merchant services - Saved so much money on transactions fees and made the monthly reconciling easier.
It is specifically well suited to major gifts officers and executives who are maybe not up to speed on Raiser's Edge daily database use but want to interact with the data on a more individual and easier to understand level.

Raiser's Edge NXT Support

Always pleasant to work with and now that I have gotten used to using the chat I prefer it to calling.


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