You won't regret moving to TriNet!
Overall Satisfaction with TriNet
We use TriNet for all employees, located in the US and Canada. TriNet has enabled us to house our employees globally on one platform. We save substantially on benefits for our US based employees. We don't have to shop benefits, set up accounts in new states, purchase EPLI - the list goes on and on...
- TriNet assigns well-versed Human Capital Consultants to each of their accounts. Their HCCs are readily available to help us through delicate employee relations issues, provide on-site training, and so much more.
- TriNet keeps us up-to-date on ever-changing state regulations/statutes/laws.
- We've been with TriNet for 3 years and were recently assigned our 3rd HCC. Our previous HCCs left for very legitimate reasons (none being that they were dissatisfied with TriNet), but it is an adjustment acclimating to a new HCC.
- When we implemented TriNet in 2016, we only had about 10 employees in the US. When comparing our costs (through our parent company) against the costs associated with onboarding with TriNet, we stood to save close to 50k per year. We've since grown to 60 employees in the US, so the savings have stacked up. Benefit costs in Canada are very high through TriNet, which negated the savings on the US side. I know they are actively exploring this and I'm hopeful we will see savings on the CAN side of the house in the future.
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