Ultimate Software
July 08, 2013

Ultimate Software

Cathy Oliver | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Ultipro HR/Payroll, OnBoarding

Overall Satisfaction


  • Payroll and Timekeeping are done very well through Ultipro. There is a lot of automation built into the platform so that our process is much faster than it would otherwise be. Timekeeping reports are compiled and pulled automatically before verification and manual updates.


  • Ultipro releases quarterly updates and we test these upgrades in a test environment before they are moved over to the production system. But sometimes, even though things seem to work fine in test, problems are revealed in production. We have had several upgrades where we had issues opening and processing files and were unable to proceed with the payroll process. Customer support is always able to fix the problem relatively quickly. However, time lost by having to escalate the problem and stop what we are doing.
  • Wage garnishment capabilities need to be updated. The main issue is that the data entry fields for entering case numbers and required data like comments fields are too short and we cannot enter the data we need to enter. The garnishment process requires a lot of information to be entered and while we are able to work the fields for our needs, there is definite room for improvement to these fields.
  • Another issue is that we have a highly mobile workforce, and if employees move across state lines without informing us for several months, we have to rectify the error manually. History is tied to the person's pay check, which means that each check with the wrong state information has to be adjusted. Ideally, we would like to be able to transfer multiple checks with taxes etc. to new checks with the correct state information all in one go. But the software does not allow this. Instead, we have adjust each individual check which is inefficient. This is an issue that the vendor is working on.
  • Cost of Service. Ultipro is a reasonably priced software package and we have definitely seen positive ROI mainly due to improved process automation over our previous provider.
The decision as to whether or not to review is a joint decision between payroll and HR for continuing use of the software.


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