Limited Experiece but finds Unitrends a good fit.
September 23, 2016

Limited Experiece but finds Unitrends a good fit.

Jeff Tinney | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance

We use Unitrends to backup key files on the few workstations that we have. Also, we backup the key files and data files off of the aerver. The previous backup system was hard to use and Unitrends simplifies the process.


  • The device does not need much attention outside of the normal verification of backups and test restores.
  • The device is easy to access from any machine on the network that has the proper permissions. This can save time during the restore process.
  • Dependability. The previous method we had was not as reliable as the Unitrends device.


  • The user interface. I know it has changed but I've not had the opportunity to try it out.
  • More initial space. I know there are larger units, but the ability to back up more would be a better selling point.
  • Reliability that brings confidence in the product.
  • Speed of restoration and backup.
The other would allow more data to be backed up if one had the storage capacity, but there were too many hoops to jump through to make it work as needed. Unitrends is more compact and efficient.
Since we are a small company with limited computers this makes for a good separate solution if a system fails. Initial capacity is the only issue. We started with the base unit (still using it) and it has 1TB of capacity. I'm not sure if this is possible, but it would be nice if one could make a bare metal backup, then archive it on a removable drive to be used if needed at a later date. All the while doing the normal daily backups after the bare metal has been completed.

Unitrends Feature Ratings

Universal recovery
Recovery verification
Incremental backup identification


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