Giving VersionOne a goodbye kiss
August 01, 2016

Giving VersionOne a goodbye kiss

Michael Stafford | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 3 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with VersionOne

Aaron's has used VersionOne for years (well before my time here) across the entire IT organization. VersionOne was/is used for project management, sprint tracking, defect and backlog records, and test case management.


  • Storyboard view
  • Ability to customize fields in backlogs and defects
  • Ease of learning the tool


  • VersionOne speed is not the best and is not consistent
  • The Search function could be better, it returns a TON of clutter
  • Test case management is poor, to the point where no one here recommends VersionOne for test
  • No drag and drop capability for attachments
  • Text editor has real problems, limited formatting, balky pasting of images
  • I came in near the end of our use of VersionOne (we are migrating to JIRA), and I don't operate or think at the business return (ROI) level. I'm not the one to comment on this!
  • I suspect that V1 added much clarity to the prioritization of work, and added visibility across entire teams. So I assume that it had a positive impact on returns.
I didn't select JIRA myself, but JIRA has drag & drop capability for attachments; a better search engine; much more customization available per team; a cleaner look and feel; great integration with Zephyr for test case management; and story items are not as bloated with fields.
VersionOne is pretty good at the project management level, and at representing the work being done in a sprint.
It's not good at all for test case management. It's just not built for software test. Although from some perspectives, it is beneficial to have tests embedded in the work item.
In Aaron's installation, teams could not customize V1 storyboards and items - changes were all or nothing for the site, so it's not suited to team-by-team customization.


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