CRM is NOT the ultimate CRM for recruiters!
May 10, 2017 CRM is NOT the ultimate CRM for recruiters!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 1 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with is currently being used by my entire company. It was to allow us to have a clear goal, concise access to information, and to organize data but it does none of the above. It causes more headaches and creates more problems. It's a mess full of non-important functions and is not intuitive.


  • Easy to upload information in bulk
  • Parsing CVs is easy
  • Support is great


  • Parsing CVs only works 50% of the time.
  • Formatting the CV function takes more time than writing it yourself. Need to spend more time editing in a fixed browser view that is 2 inches on my screen.
  • No integration with any other software. Integrates with an outdated job board and can search LinkedIn. Does not integrate with a Recruiter account.
  • 'Integrates' with e-mail. It offers 2 total options when you select mail; delete and mark as read/unread. E-mail does not scale across any email platform. Offers its own way to organize. No folders. Only trash function.
  • Notifications is just highlighting text/icons. You must set notifications yourself and there's not much other than 'notify someone you did something'.
  • The UX/UI design is straight out of the 1990s; VB levels. Everything is flat, buttons are the gray, Windows '96-esque type. Buttons are unnecessarily far from each other - this matters because this problem was supposed to be solved in 2005.
  • You must set notifications yourself. i.e. 'notify someone you did something'.
  • The support is not intuitive. They listen and fix problems; big whoop. You want a company that fixes your problems and thinks of what you would want in the future instead of something you need now.
  • There's no native app mobile app. They have a web app that freezes half the time. You cannot even call CVs with it. Only read notes on companies and candidates. You need to upload your CVs elsewhere, Vincere's web app cannot access these files. The need to access CVs is probably the main reason to even have a web app.
  • There is a wall of text/dropboxes/option boxes in the backend that has no organisation and zero formatting. It's just everywhere and is not customizable.
  • The homepage once you log in is absolutely useless as 1/6 of the screen is taken up by a box that congratulates you on finishing the tutorial. Another 1/6 of the screen is taken up by a progress box that shows how 'set-up' you are.
  • They are touted for their search bar function. It's basically a 'search everything' button with its search results organized. This was great in the 2000s until filters became standard.
  • Candidates are lost in the pipeline. With so many candidates, they are forgotten in the system.
  • Notification system leaves us asking each other if something has been done.
  • There is no automation in it. It's like putting papers in a shoebox and digging them all out with the 'incredible' search system.
  • They call 3 times a week to ask if everything is OK. It is not okay to ask users what they want and release it 3 months later.
If you want a CRM that has great customer support and has the patience to fix your problems, Vincere is number 1. It can track emails and any action taken with its pipeline. For our organization, there is just so much more modern software to use that is better. Excel files are easier to organize candidates. Word is better for formatting/editing CVs. Dropbox [can be used] for getting CVs on the go. The list goes on.

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