Cisco Webex Meetings is the product you want for the best collaboration experience
August 22, 2021

Cisco Webex Meetings is the product you want for the best collaboration experience

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review

Overall Satisfaction with Webex Meetings

The whole organization is using Cisco Webex Meetings. In fact, the entire Cisco Webex suite. We use it internally and externally. My organization provides consulting and implementation/support services for many other organizations in our country and the way we work with external clients is by using Webex Meetings. We use Webex Meetings to have scheduling meetings for various topics, like project implementation, milestones and targets, what issues we should address in our projects, and so on. We also use Webex Meetings for configuring and providing support, especially since the COVID pandemic forced us and our clients to work remotely and traveling to the client's HQ is not advised. We've been using Webex Meetings to provide great services to our clients day by day since the start of the pandemic and it has become the norm. We benefit from its usage everyday and it provides us with every tool we need to deliver our services with success.


  • It has great tools like Breakout sessions, whiteboards, virtual backgrounds, options to share and control other devices, annotate and others etc.
  • It has monthly updates that bring new features and options for users to have the best experience possible for collaboration. Cisco shows they are working hard to make this solution better update by update and they listen to the end user's requests, which is a big plus.
  • Security, as far as I know, is top of the market. Cisco Webex Suite is the leading product for collaboration in the security department and in today's world security is more important than ever.


  • A small issue I found was with the sound when using headphones with Bluetooth. Very rarely when I close a meeting my sound does not work until I reconnect my Bluetooth headphones to my device. From experience, this also happens with other collaboration applications. It seems it has something to do with the override of the audio that these applications do, but for me, it is something that if Cisco fixes it permanently it would be a great marker.
  • From my point of view, it sometimes uses too many resources when having multiple participants (20+) with video. I couldn't compare these other vendors and applications, but I would appreciate it if Cisco could find a way to reduce the resources consumption when having 15-20+ participants who have video-enabled.
  • By enabling us to provide remote support to our clients we cut costs on travel, gas, car expenses, etc.
  • We are a Cisco partner, so we offer this solution to our clients. As they are satisfied and buy more licenses so does our revenue.
  • During the COVID pandemic, it enabled us all to work remotely. Starting the very next day we could still collaborate, work in teams, and hold on to the experience of working together for the same purpose.

Do you think Webex Meetings delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Webex Meetings's feature set?


Did Webex Meetings live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Webex Meetings go as expected?


Would you buy Webex Meetings again?


Cisco Webex Meetings is well suited for when you want to have an ad-hoc meeting with someone, like when you want to talk to external people outside your organization regarding a project or details of a contract, as you don't need an account or app to join. It's useful when providing support and services. The end client can share their screen or applications. They can show you their issue and you can take control to provide remote support with ease. You can also use Webex Meetings for small trainings, because you can do breakout sessions and put people in different groups. You can also use it for small events, because it has all the necessary tools to provide a rich collaborative experience.

Webex Meetings Feature Ratings

High quality audio
High quality video
Low bandwidth requirements
Mobile support
Desktop sharing
Calendar integration
Meeting initiation
Integrates with social media
Record meetings / events
Live chat
Audience polling
User authentication
Participant roles & permissions
Confidential attendee list

Using Webex Meetings

Evaluating Webex Meetings and Competitors

From our perspective, Cisco Webex Meetings provides the best tools to offer our services to our clients, because we need to do project management, solutions implementations, and provide support. The Webex Suite has the most diverse options that suit our every need, while also providing the highest standard security, as far as we know. Applications like Zoom have had security issues in the past years. Microsoft Teams somehow works similar to Cisco Webex, but it doesn't offer all the tools that Webex does.

Webex Meetings Reliability

I gave it a 10 out of 10 rating because Cisco Webex Meetings is hosted in the cloud of Cisco and the scalability is not an issue. Any organization, no matter the number of employees, can use Cisco Webex Meetings without experiencing issues. Cisco makes sure to provide several data centers around the globe, so that it offers high availability and scalability to anyone who needs it.
I gave it a 10 out of 10 rating for availability, because since the pandemic started, which means 17 months already give or take, I have never had a moment where I needed to use Cisco Webex Meetings and the service was unavailable. Only once did the Webex app happen to have some issues and be unavailable in the last 17 months, but that got resolved in 2-3 hours. So from my own experience, in one and a half years, I never had an issue with the availability of the products and I use it daily at work.
I gave it a 9 out of 10 because I believe there is a little space for improvement on the performance side, mainly resource consumption as I stated in the previous questions. Other than that it is really fast and reliable. If you have a fast internet speed and you have a reasonable end device resource-wise, the application works with no issues.


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