Whatfix for Higher Education
April 23, 2021
Whatfix for Higher Education

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Whatfix
[Whatfix] is used across whole organization as this is an amazing digital platform and provide an easy to use and newly discovered onboarding. It also powers up software's by allowing simplicity. Besides my organization there are many other enterprises that are deploying [Whatfix] because of its usage and productivity. Would surely recommend this to MNCs.
- Minimal Team
- User friendly
- Close relationship with users.
- Trainings required
- Some automation can be done
- Manual working can help in better selection.
- Selection of software
- Knowledge in the form of pdf and videos
- Trainers
- Trainers requirement
- Time saving
- Accessiblity
I haven't used any other [Whatfix] like software, because it met all my needs.
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